Sunday, October 25, 2009

RE: Revised class schedule

Dear Scrappers:

Because we missed last week, we have revised the class schedule for November. Next Sunday, November 1st, we will have a class featuring a gift bag with tag, gift card holders, and a Chinese takeout box (cookie or candy gift box.) The CTB can be used to present any small gift, but works well for food gifts because it is slightly waxed inside. If you haven't registered with Denise for this class, you can see her at the office or email me at

On Sunday, November 8th, we will be having a class featuring a two-page layout with a holiday theme. We have an opening on Sunday, November 15th for another class. Please give me your feedback ASAP at on what you would like to see - another layout, cards, or gift packaging. Saturday, November 21st, Lane, Denise, Delores, and I will have a booth at the Caverna Christmas Bazaar, so don't forget to stop by. Undecided about Sunday, November 22nd...

December 6th will be the cookie swap. On that day, we will be making a quick paperbag scrapbook. If you don't want to make your own cookies, I'm sure Gallery Bakery can fix you up. Also, Alma would probably be glad to do any of your holiday cooking -- Denise can give you her contact info. After the swap, you will have a nice tray of cookies for Christmas AND a cute mini scrapbook.

These are the dates we have finalized for the rest of the year so far. We will try to plug in as many dates before the holidays as possible, so just keep checking the blog. January starts our new Recipe Club and Layout-of-the-Month. Just a reminder that the new recipe book will be 8.5" x 11". Each month, our book will feature seasonal recipes that we would traditionally serve that month. I already know my recipe for January is a soup. Please email your recipes to me at as soon as you decide. I want to make sure everyone is represented in the new book as often as possible. BTW, the layouts will be 12" x 12". My goal is to make the elements of the layouts work on a 5" x 7" card as well.

hope to see you Sunday! swr

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